Friederike Chylek

Friederike Chylek


William byrd: keyboard music

OehmsClassics, 2022

«Among discs devoted to Byrd’s keyboard music, this current recording is among the very finest. (…) it provides ideal listening: stimulating to the intellect, and delightful for recreation.»

«In every one of Chylek’s interpretations, I hear an uncommonly sober balance of emotional expressiveness with technical clarity, and through this disk I am reminded once more why I have had this lifelong relationship with Byrd. In this music there is a voice which fully knows the complex tapestry of life’s joys, sorrows and uncertainties; yet it urges us to never stop moving forward.»


From Byrd to Byrd

OehmsClassics, 2019

«Am warm-glanzvollen, einem Ruckers-Cembalo von 1624 nachempfundenen Instrument von Matthias Griewisch entfaltet Friederike Chylek eine Tastenbrillanz, die gleichwohl ganz ruhig im Metrum schwingt: atemberaubend.»

«I cannot recommend this disc too highly. Anyone familiar with some or all of these works will find them interpreted in so many new lights. It is also an ideal disc for someone setting out to discover early English keyboard music – a wonderful repertory complimented by this wonderful disc.»


Time stands still

OehmsClassics, 2016

Italians in London!

Chandos Records, 2015

Simon Standage, violin
Friederike Chylek, harpsichord